Providing reliable and robust technical data and decision support in soil moisture, crop maturity, pest and disease monitoring along with other tailored services.
Fruition Horticulture is the nationwide distributor of Sentek Irrigation Monitoring probes. This technology allows real time, relative readings of soil moisture that can be accessed 24/7. With this information available, irrigation scheduling can become much more precise and efficient.
Click here to view our demo continuous monitoring graphs
Fruition has operated an irrigation scheduling and recommendation service since 1987. We operate irrigation monitoring services in Marlborough, Nelson, Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty. Our service operates over a number of crops including grapes, apples, kiwifruit, hops and avocados.
Weekly Monitoring
Crop maturity monitoring enables growers to have same day data to make decisions regarding harvest dates, storage segregations and market allocations. We have the capability to do crop assessments on a large range of crops including: kiwifruit, apples, pears, summerfruit and grapes.
We offer comprehensive and MPI accredited monitoring of commercially sensitive pests and diseases over the growing season and at harvest to comply with industry protocols.
Timely monitoring provides accurate information to aid decision making processes. We favour a ‘no-gaps’ approach to monitoring because slip-ups in the field are costly.
We work with clients to tailor monitoring requirements to individual needs. If there is a crop, pest or disease that is not listed here please do not hesitate in contacting us to see what we can do for you.
Crops monitored include:
We provide an MPI accredited codling moth trapping service along with seasonal pheromone trapping for LBAM and Oriental fruit moth. We calculate trap numbers and placement required by protocols. We set-up traps and monitor for the season (same day, same time, weekly) and provide on-line reporting directly to the grower. We advise growers when thresholds have been exceeded via their chosen medium.
Fruition has MAO status (MPI Approved Organisation). We are able to provide auditing for Codling Moth Sensitive Market traps to ensure they meet market access requirements.
We are able to provide our clients the following features:
We are working with clients to develop additional features such as yield estimation.